Willamette Valley Chapter
of the American Sewing Guild
2023 Chapter Advisory Board
Willamette Valley Chapter of the American Sewing Guild Chapter
Chapter Advisory Board Elected Positions
It is a requirement by the American Sewing Guild that each chapter have a President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Willamette Valley Chapter of ASG has also chosen to include the 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President in the elected category.
Each officer is elected for a one-year term and may not serve more than four terms per position. The President may not serve more than four (4) consecutive terms. Terms run from January 1st through December 31st.
The duties of the President include:
- Preside over all meetings of the Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) including the preparation of the meeting agenda.
- Edit, approve and write a column for the quarterly newsletter.
- Edit and approve the CAB meeting minutes prior to distribution.
- Oversee the Annual Business Meeting.
- Together with the Treasurer prepare the proposed budget for approval of the CAB.
- The President assumes overall responsibility for all Chapter finances and operations.
- Is a liaison between the Chapter and National Headquarters.
- Ensure the Chapter is kept in compliance/good standing by following the needed requirements as set by ASG National Headquarters. The requirements are listed on the asg.org website under the Leadership Only section. If you do not have access to this area please contact a CAB member for this information.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
After two years as one of the chapter’s Vice-Presidents, I am pleased to be elected into the position of President. Thank you chapter members for your confidence in me. I hope to continue to grow, and bring attention to, both the American Sewing Guild and our Willamette Valley chapter. I hope to grow my relationships with all members, and build new friendships. I hope you will join me this latter endeavor; I have gained so many new friends in my years on the chapter advisory board (CA). Let’s all enjoy 2023 dreaming, creating, and loving what we do. See you out there!
The duties of the 1st Vice President include:
- Preside over the CAB meetings in the absence of the President.
- The developing and organization of Spring Fling, Sewing Retreat and Fall Affair.
• Contact possible speakers, get CAB approval, arrange the date, time and place for each event.
• Organizing the terms and contracts for the speaker and venue of event.
• Decide the menu for each event with CAB approval.
• Along with the CAB, set the price of the event by providing a suggested summary of costs.
• Organizing a group of volunteers to help with the event day.
- A computer with internet is necessary.
1st Co-Vice President Special Events - Open Position
The duties of the 2nd Vice President include:
- Collect and maintain a current list of all members in good standing.
- Welcome new members with an email, new member packet and collect information such as the area they live in and what type of sewing interests they have.
- Contact appropriate NGC or NGL with new member information.
- Contact non-renewing members.
- Publish to CAB and NGLs a list of current membership.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
Trudy Eikenberry - 2nd Vice President
The duties of the Secretary include:
- Attend CAB meetings, record, maintain and distribute the minutes of each meeting, including the yearly Annual Business Meeting.
- File certain banking and Chapter compliance paperwork.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
Jolae Reed - Secretary
The Treasurer is responsible for:
- The funds flowing in and out of the chapter and to keep an accurate record of transactions.
- Deposits all checks coming into the Chapter.
- Writes checks to pay the Chapter expenses.
- Preparing the financial reports for each CAB meeting summarizing Chapter operations.
- The annual report for the Chapter’s yearly business meeting.
- Preparing the quarterly financial reports that are transmitted to the ASG National office.
- Each year the Treasurer and President work together to prepare the proposed budget for the next year.
The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining the financial paperwork and records in accordance with the records retention policy established by the National office.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
Cindy Clapp Pease - Treasurer
I love to sew. My father purchased my first machine for me when I was 12 years old. I spent many years making men’s shirts, vests, and other garments (I tried to wear my first pair of pants I made to school when girls couldn’t wear pants. LOL) Even costumes and bridal wear for family and friends. My grandmother loved to sew also and would mend for others during the depression to make some money. I have her treadle machine and button tin – cherished treasures to me.
I joined ASG in 2008 when Sally was the president. I love to sew and was seeking others to share this passion. Though not attending many meetings in the beginning, I knew Sew Inclined was a great place to start. They are so welcoming, and I just jumped in one night. An opening on the board for Secretary came up and I decided to give it a whirl. I became Secretary while Judy Wells was president. Then the Salem area sewing enthusiasts wanted a garment group much like the Corvallis group. With the help of others, The Clothes Encounters Neighborhood group was formed, and I helped lead it for a couple of years.
During my last few years of employment I took on more demanding jobs and backed away from all volunteering. Now that I am retired, it is time to get back and give back to the community. I love to sew, and this is a great way for me to enjoy sewing, friendships, learning and sharing the sewing bug with others. I’d love to see what we could do as ASG to share these skills with the younger generation.
By the way, I love to sew!
American Sewing Guild Advisory Board Appointed Positions
Neighborhood Group Leader Coordinator
There is one NGLC for the groups on the east side of the Cascades and two for the groups in the Willamette Valley.
- They function as liaisons between the CAB and the NGLs.
- Contact new members in their area.
- Help find new NGLs when needed.
- Offer moral support to NGLs.
- Keep NGLs updated on upcoming events in our Chapter.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
Jerry Lindstrom - Neighborhood Group Leader Coordinator - East
Jerry is the Neighborhood Group Coordinator for the eastern side of the state. She started sewing after finishing college because it seemed like a good idea. She and her husband, Ken, were living in Concord, CA and Ken thought they might as well just throw the cost of a Kenmore sewing machine to the wind. After moving to San Diego Jerry took classes at the Stretch and Sew store in National City. She started teaching at the store while teaching high school during the day. She and Ken moved to Arlington, VA where Jerry found a job at a Stretch and Sew before she found a place to live! During the time in Virginia, she joined the newly-formed Northern Virginia Chapter of ASG. Her day job required lots of travel so she had to stop working at a fabric store. 20 years later they moved back home to Oregon where she is able to be more involved in ASG and spends her free time fondling fabric in her sewing cave. Jerry enjoys teaching "Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine" through one of the stores in Bend; the classes are either part of Kids Camp or for adults.
Tina Martin - Neighborhood Group Coordinator - North Willamette Valley
Neighborhood Group Coordinator - South Willamette Valley
Position Currently Available
Support and Encouragement
This person sends cards to Chapter members who have been ill, are recuperating, have suffered a loss or celebrated a momentous event such as a wedding or birth in the family.
Clarice Gibb
A Junior High teacher ended my sewing adventures before it even started until my Senior year in high school. I wanted to make a Pendleton shirt for my boyfriend, forget the small stuff. My mother was a great seamstress so with her help I accomplished the task, yes it fit and he wore it. After marrying, my husband bought me a Singer machine, all metal in those days, which lead me to take several sewing classes at Chemeketa Community College. My mother-in-law was also a good sewer using a treadle machine.
I've sewn a lot of things during the years, a suit for my husband, clothes for our kids and myself, bridesmaids dresses for both daughters' weddings, a wedding dress for my daughter and my jeans, to name a few. If it fits under the pressure foot I'll try it.
I like working out of the box and using my imagination which usually gets me in trouble but hasn't stopped me yet! So ladies put the treadle to the metal and expose your imagination.
Newsletter Editor
The Newsletter Editor plans the newsletter production.
- Confers with the Chapter President and other CAB members to collect articles and information.
- May include sewing related articles and information from other sources.
- Sends electronic or hard copies to each member of the Board of Directors at National Headquarters.
- Sends the newsletter to the Chapter Webmistress to post on the Chapter website.
- Posts the newsletter on the ASG National website.
- A computer with internet access is necessary.
Website Editor
The Website Editor maintains and updates the website to keep content current:
- Works with Chapter President to review the website.
- Content complies with the ASG National Chapter Web Site Policy.
- Updates website links.
- Maintains privacy for members.
- Follows website best practices.
- A computer with internet access and familiar with website management or CMS (Content Management Systems).
Marsha Minten - Website Editor
American Sewing Guild Neighborhood Group Leader
Volunteer Position
The neighborhood group leader is the group's guide. They serve as the contact person for the group, field phone calls from interested members and non-members, and guides the pace and content of the meetings. They communicate the group's activities and concerns to the chapter's advisory board and communicates news from the board to the group.
But for all of this, the neighborhood group belongs to the members of the group and not to the leader. They do not rule the group; they don't present all the programs; They don't make all decisions for the group without involving them.
Lots of groups have co-leaders or even tri-leaders. One person might like to handle the running of the meeting, while another acts as the contact person and keeps the newsletter editor up-to-date. There are also groups that have no designated leader----the jobs are split among the group.
The following rules have been established by this Chapter as a supplement to the bylaws and Procedures Manual set forth by the National Organization. The intent is to better clarify how our Chapter functions and to facilitate a more efficient operation of the Chapter Advisory Board. The president shall be the official representative of our chapter. Any other representation must have prior approval by the president and or the Chapter Advisory Board.
Chapter Standing Rules
Revised July 2023